Custom Form/CRM
The form on the left uses all of the available field types and html entries within the Custom Form/CRM module.
The “Name” field is simple text but has been made required (any or all fields can be set as required). The text below the input is an example of Help text that can be added to each field.
The “Email” field is an HTML email field and is validated on blur and form submission. All fields are validated on blur if “required” has been set. Validation of the email address field ensures there’s a proper format for an email address.
The “Subject” field, again, is a simple text field, but with the Name field, provides important CRM content for the backoffice. See the Tutorial – Overview page for more detail of requirements.
“Message” is a typical textarea field.
Below the Message field is an example of an HTML fieldset section. You can provide an optional Legend and adjust styling from within the module.
Just below the fieldset Legend is an example of a Note option provided by the module. A Note can be inserted anywhere within the form. You may use the provided textarea or tiny-mce controls to compose.
“File Upload” is an example of an HTML file input type. It has been styled to be more inclusive to the styling of the other input types. This field type is validated for file size and mime type which can be set within the module. The default size is 1Meg. Mime type can be restricted at the user level, but must adhere to the allowed WP mime types. The current version of the module allows multi-file upload from a single field or several fields can be used to tailor specific file needs.
“How Many” is an example of a select field.
“Date” is an example of an HTML date field. The jQuery datepicker widget is used as an assist. The field is also validated for proper format.
“Phone” is an example of an Text field employing “Masking.” The designer can restrict and model input to be numerical, alpha or alpha-numeric and specify format. If the mask is not filled in completely, then any partial input is rejected. Adding “Required” ensures compliance.
“Your URL” is an example of an HTML url field. It is validated for proper format.
“Quantity” is an example of an HTML number field. MIN/MAX/STEP attributes can be set within the module.
“Accept Terms” is an example of a simple checkbox. This particular label is arbitrary as is the Help text. Labeling and Help is defined in the module for each field type.
“I accept the Terms” is an example of a specialized checkbox to aid in acceptance of certain terms or policies. Setting the required property is necessary to have the linkage included, else the field is a simple checkbox.
“Select Recipient” is an example of KK’s select field whereby the form submitter selects a destination that will receive the notification.
“Which Color” and “Select Size” are self-explained group fields.
“Country” is an example of the Custom Select List. Unlike entering a value for the list one at a time, you can upload a file that outlines the list values. This list can be simple text or actual <option> html.