Class Enrolment Uploading file... First Name ( required ) Last Name ( required ) Membership Number ( required ) Telephone Email Please choose your class category Please choose your class categoryArts and craftsBoard and card gamesHistory and PhilosophyLanguagesMusicPoetry and proseScience and TechnologySport, keep fit and danceVaried interestsSummer activitiesPlease choose your art and craft class: Please choose your art and craft class:A010 - Watercolour for AllA013 - Painting and Drawing WorkshopA014 - Painting in Watercolours and AcrylicA015 - Painting for PleasureA016 - Painting, Drawing and DecoupageA017 - All Media WorkshopA018 - Cards for Every OccasionA041 - Self-help Dressmaking Group A043 - Embroidery and HandicraftsA045 - Patchwork and QuiltingA050 - Cliffe CarversPlease choose your board / card game class: Please choose your board / card game class:B012 - Beginners BridgeB013 - Brush up your BridgeB016 - Enjoy BridgeB030 - MahjongB031 - ChessPlease choose your history & philosophy class: Please choose your history & philosophy class:HP15 - Outstanding WomenHP17 - Minoans and GreeksHP18 - Debates in 20th Century HistoryHP19 - An Outline of Russian HistoryHP20 - Family HistoryHP21 - Interpreting the LandscapeHP22 - Practical PhilosophyPlease choose your language class: Please choose your language class:L010 - French for BeginnersL011 - French - Intermediate PlusL012 - French ConversationL013 - Understanding and Speaking FrenchL015 - Advanced French ConversationL021 - Improvers' GermanL022 - Beginners' GermanL023 - German in useL024 - Further GermanL030 - Brush up your ItalianL031 - Italian Intermediate PlusL032 - Upper Intermediate ItalianL040 - Reading RussianL050 - Making the most of SpanishL052 - Spanish for ImproversL053 - Upper Intermediate SpanishL054 - Continue Spanish for BeginnersL055 - Continue Early Spanish ConversationPlease choose your music class: Please choose your music class:M010 - Mixed BandM021 - U3A Ladies ChoirM022 - Mixed ChoirM030 - Acoustic Guitar(£20)M031 - U3A Guitar GroupM032 - Ukelele Fun and Sing-alongPlease choose your poetry and prose class: Please choose your poetry and prose class:P020 - Poetry for PleasureP031 - Love, sex and scandal in ancient RomePlease choose your science and technology class: Please choose your science and technology class:ST01 - Introduction to CryptographyST02 - Science - Let There be PhotonsST03 - Mathematical ProofST05 - Darwin, Sex and GenderPlease choose your sport, keep fit or dance class: Please choose your sport, keep fit or dance class:SP16 - Improvers Tai ChiSP17 - Qigong for All SP19 - Tai Chi for allSP21 - Scottish DancingSP45 - Thursday Table TennisSP46 - Tuesday Table TennisPlease choose your varied interest class: Please choose your varied interest class:V010 - PhotographyV016 - Developing MindsV017 - Enquiring MindsV030 - Voice CoachingPlease choose your summer activity class: Please choose your summer activity class:SU53 - Thongsbridge bowlingSU54 - Wednesday Milnsbridge BowlingSU55 - Monday Milnsbridge bowlingSU61 - French boulesSU62 - Gardening groupSU63 - Painting and drawing workshopSU65 - ChessSU66 - Cliffe Carvers (£20)SU67 - Acoustic Guitar (£20)SU68 - Mixed BandAdd a second class? ( required ) YesNoPlease choose the category for your second class: Please choose the category for your second class:Arts and craftsBoard and card gamesHistory and PhilosophyLanguagesMusicPoetry and proseScience and TechnologySport, keep fit and danceVaried interestsSummer activitiesPlease choose your art and craft class: Please choose your art and craft class:A010 - Watercolour for AllA013 - Painting and Drawing WorkshopA014 - Painting in Watercolours and AcrylicA015 - Painting for PleasureA016 - Painting, Drawing and DecoupageA017 - All Media WorkshopA018 - Cards for Every OccasionA041 - Self-help Dressmaking Group A043 - Embroidery and HandicraftsA045 - Patchwork and QuiltingA050 - Cliffe CarversPlease choose your board / card game class: Please choose your board / card game class:B012 - Beginners BridgeB013 - Brush up your BridgeB016 - Enjoy BridgeB030 - MahjongB031 - ChessPlease choose your history & philosophy class: Please choose your history & philosophy class:HP15 - Outstanding WomenHP17 - Minoans and GreeksHP18 - Debates in 20th Century HistoryHP19 - An Outline of Russian HistoryHP20 - Family HistoryHP21 - Interpreting the LandscapeHP22 - Practical PhilosophyPlease choose your language class: Please choose your language class:L010 - French for BeginnersL011 - French - Intermediate PlusL012 - French ConversationL013 - Understanding and Speaking FrenchL015 - Advanced French ConversationL021 - Improvers' GermanL022 - Beginners' GermanL023 - German in useL024 - Further GermanL030 - Brush up your ItalianL031 - Italian Intermediate PlusL032 - Upper Intermediate ItalianL040 - Reading RussianL050 - Making the most of SpanishL052 - Spanish for ImproversL053 - Upper Intermediate SpanishL054 - Continue Spanish for BeginnersL055 - Continue Early Spanish ConversationPlease choose your music class: Please choose your music class:M010 - Mixed BandM021 - U3A Ladies ChoirM022 - Mixed ChoirM030 - Acoustic Guitar(£20)M031 - U3A Guitar GroupM032 - Ukelele Fun and Sing-alongPlease choose your poetry and prose class: Please choose your poetry and prose class:P020 - Poetry for PleasureP031 - Love, sex and scandal in ancient RomePlease choose your science and technology class: Please choose your science and technology class:ST01 - Introduction to CryptographyST02 - Science - Let There be PhotonsST03 - Mathematical ProofST05 - Darwin, Sex and GenderPlease choose your sport, keep fit or dance class: Please choose your sport, keep fit or dance class:SP16 - Improvers Tai ChiSP17 - Qigong for All SP19 - Tai Chi for allSP21 - Scottish DancingSP45 - Thursday Table TennisSP46 - Tuesday Table TennisPlease choose your varied interest class: Please choose your varied interest class:V010 - PhotographyV016 - Developing MindsV017 - Enquiring MindsV030 - Voice CoachingPlease choose your summer activity class: Please choose your summer activity class:SU53 - Thongsbridge bowlingSU54 - Wednesday Milnsbridge BowlingSU55 - Monday Milnsbridge bowlingSU61 - French boulesSU62 - Gardening groupSU63 - Painting and drawing workshopSU65 - ChessSU66 - Cliffe Carvers (£20)SU67 - Acoustic Guitar (£20)SU68 - Mixed BandAdd a third class? ( required ) YesNoPlease choose the category for your third class: Please choose the category for your third class:Arts and craftsBoard and card gamesHistory and PhilosophyLanguagesMusicPoetry and proseScience and TechnologySport, keep fit and danceVaried interestsSummer activitiesPlease choose your art and craft class: Please choose your art and craft class:A010 - Watercolour for AllA013 - Painting and Drawing WorkshopA014 - Painting in Watercolours and AcrylicA015 - Painting for PleasureA016 - Painting, Drawing and DecoupageA017 - All Media WorkshopA018 - Cards for Every OccasionA041 - Self-help Dressmaking Group A043 - Embroidery and HandicraftsA045 - Patchwork and QuiltingA050 - Cliffe CarversPlease choose your board / card game class: Please choose your board / card game class:B012 - Beginners BridgeB013 - Brush up your BridgeB016 - Enjoy BridgeB030 - MahjongB031 - ChessPlease choose your history & philosophy class: Please choose your history & philosophy class:HP15 - Outstanding WomenHP17 - Minoans and GreeksHP18 - Debates in 20th Century HistoryHP19 - An Outline of Russian HistoryHP20 - Family HistoryHP21 - Interpreting the LandscapeHP22 - Practical PhilosophyPlease choose your language class: Please choose your language class:L010 - French for BeginnersL011 - French - Intermediate PlusL012 - French ConversationL013 - Understanding and Speaking FrenchL015 - Advanced French ConversationL021 - Improvers' GermanL022 - Beginners' GermanL023 - German in useL024 - Further GermanL030 - Brush up your ItalianL031 - Italian Intermediate PlusL032 - Upper Intermediate ItalianL040 - Reading RussianL050 - Making the most of SpanishL052 - Spanish for ImproversL053 - Upper Intermediate SpanishL054 - Continue Spanish for BeginnersL055 - Continue Early Spanish ConversationPlease choose your music class: Please choose your music class:M010 - Mixed BandM021 - U3A Ladies ChoirM022 - Mixed ChoirM030 - Acoustic Guitar(£20)M031 - U3A Guitar GroupM032 - Ukelele Fun and Sing-alongPlease choose your poetry and prose class: Please choose your poetry and prose class:P020 - Poetry for PleasureP031 - Love, sex and scandal in ancient RomePlease choose your science and technology class: Please choose your science and technology class:ST01 - Introduction to CryptographyST02 - Science - Let There be PhotonsST03 - Mathematical ProofST05 - Darwin, Sex and GenderPlease choose your sport, keep fit or dance class: Please choose your sport, keep fit or dance class:SP16 - Improvers Tai ChiSP17 - Qigong for All SP19 - Tai Chi for allSP21 - Scottish DancingSP45 - Thursday Table TennisSP46 - Tuesday Table TennisPlease choose your varied interest class: Please choose your varied interest class:V010 - PhotographyV016 - Developing MindsV017 - Enquiring MindsV030 - Voice CoachingPlease choose your summer activity class: Please choose your summer activity class:SU53 - Thongsbridge bowlingSU54 - Wednesday Milnsbridge BowlingSU55 - Monday Milnsbridge bowlingSU61 - French boulesSU62 - Gardening groupSU63 - Painting and drawing workshopSU65 - ChessSU66 - Cliffe Carvers (£20)SU67 - Acoustic Guitar (£20)SU68 - Mixed BandAdd more classes? Type them in this box. List alternative choices if desired: Are you paying for one or two terms? ( required ) One TermTwo TermsPlease choose how you would like to make your payment: Bank TransferChequeYour reference should be your initials and the first 3 letters of surname, your membership number plus the letter and number of the class. A separate payment will need to be made for each class you join. Payment to U3ASort Code 40-25-10Account no 34017021 Please make cheques payable to Huddersfield & District U3A and send to:U3A, Aspin House, Block B, Station Road, Huddersfield, HD2 1UT These details will also be on the email you will receive after you submit this form. Note: The information supplied by you on this form will be recorded on the Huddersfield and District U3A database at our offices. No information from the U3A files which could identify any individual members will be disclosed to any unauthorised persons. For more information see our privacy policy on thi8s website. After submitting this form you will receive an email confirming your request. After payment is received the U3A office will contact you to confirm your place(s). Submit 15 + 15 =