Class Enrolment

    Your reference should be your initials and the first 3 letters of surname, your membership number plus the letter and number of the class.  A separate payment will need to be made for each class you join.

    Payment to U3A
    Sort Code 40-25-10
    Account no 34017021

    Please make cheques payable to Huddersfield & District U3A and send to:
    U3A, Aspin House, Block B, Station Road, Huddersfield, HD2 1UT

    These details will also be on the email you will receive after you submit this form.


    The information supplied by you on this form will be recorded on the Huddersfield and District U3A database at our offices. No information from the U3A files which could identify any individual members will be disclosed to any unauthorised persons. For more information see our privacy policy on thi8s website.

    After submitting this form you will receive an email confirming your request. After payment is received the U3A office will contact you to confirm your place(s).

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